Be Prepared

Posted by Mindy Tulsi-Ingram on 30th May 2024

Be Prepared

In our busy lives at work and at home, and especially now as we are outside enjoying summer activities, let’s not forget how to prevent accidents and take steps to lessen their effect.

Unplanned events could be:

  • There is an accident on the route you are taking, causing you to be late for the meeting.
  • Employee illness or unavailability
  • Child care unavailability causing you to be late or reschedule
  • Sudden weather disruption

Unintentional events can include:

  • The dreaded “reply all” to an email intended only for the sender.
  • Unexpected visitor or meeting overlap causing delays
  • Printer jam or malfunction, power outage, or fire alarm
  • Coffee spills, lost item needed for the meeting


  • Forgetting to add a meeting to your calendar, neglecting to invite critical people to the meeting, or even forgetting to book a room for the meeting.
  • Software glitch causing work to be lost or inaccessible

While it is impossible to prepare for, or prevent every situation, we must be alert, ready to take action, and be able to react quickly with the least disruption.

When an unplanned, unintentional or unpleasant situation or event occurs, why not share an acknowledgement or gift with those who were affected?

A snack box, branded item, or gift as a token of your appreciation for their role in the unfortunate circumstances.

Accidental or unpredictable events can vary in form and impact depending upon the situation, however there are many things we can do to prevent them from happening and lessening their effect.

Accidental or unpredictable events can vary in form and impact depending upon the situation, however there are many things we can do to prevent them from happening and lessening their effect. 


  • Understand the potential for risk and harm. Be aware of the situations or locations you are in, and their potential impact on situation.
  • These events could include speeding in your car on the way to a meeting, texting and driving, or natural disasters relating to weather and fires.
  • Ensure smoke alarms are operational and have operating fire extinguishers accessible and at key locations
  • Have insurance to cover accidents or events
  • Be flexible and prepared to act if unexpected situations occur


  • Perform regular maintenance on home or office systems and vehicles to prevent accidents or malfunctions

Work within your business or community to have designated responders or ‘point person’ to coordinate action.

  • Have a community preparedness plan and outreach program to care for vulnerable

Have an emergency plan

  • This is especially important to us as we are in an earthquake zone.
  • Be aware of procedures and prepared for immediate action
  • Communicate emergency plans and designated meeting points to staff and coworkers
  • Have a list of emergency contacts for staff and family members
  • Maintain enough emergency supplies to sustain you until normal services are restored, or help arrives

i. Include water, non-perishable food, first aid kits, flashlights and batteries, and all medications.
ii. Have a supply of cash – coins and small bills for immediate needs as ATM’s may not be operating

Stay informed if possible

  • Access local news, weather or emergency alerts so you can follow instructions and take appropriate action

Be prepared to take action during health emergencies

  • Complete a CPR or first aid training course and be familiar with AED locations and procedures.

By being prepared, we are more likely to be calmer and more proactive when an emergency situation occurs.

Stay safe, and have a great summer!