Master the Art of Positive Persuasion through Thoughtfulness

Posted by Mindy Tulsi_Ingram on 8th Nov 2023

Master the Art of Positive Persuasion through Thoughtfulness

Here are 3 tips on how you can win with thoughtfulness every day.

1. Thoughtfulness is a habit—Being a thoughtful person is in our DNA – a way of life worth cultivating and practicing every day.

  • Take time to listen, slow down, ask questions, express empathy.

2.  It’s easy to make thoughtfulness a part of your life. With small acts of kindness, you can create ways to make life more enjoyable for others.

  • Hold a door open for someone, smile and acknowledge others around you, deliver a welcome gift or offer a meal to your new neighbours.
  • Park farther away from the store if you are able. Leave the closer spot for someone who may need and appreciate the shorter walk. Besides, you’ll burn more calories and feel better.
  • Compliment others and mean it. Send a note of congratulations to someone who has received a promotion, or special recognition. Do this sooner, rather than ‘I’ll get to it later’ – we forget and then it’s never done.

3.  Be a champion or cheerleader whenever you can. Acknowledge others for their contribution without hesitating. Give the benefit of the doubt, err on the positive if you have a choice.

Did you know…

That Harvard has a Happiness Lab? As outlined in the attached short article, they have 3 secrets to happiness.

  • Our simple rituals and routines bring us happiness by creating a sense of community and connection.

  • It has been shown that people don’t regret what they did as much as they regret what they didn’t do.
  • Ask yourself “would I regret it if I didn’t do this?’ and be guided by your response.

  • We get more happiness from intangibles such as activities, than from material things.
