Posted by Mindy Tulsi-Ingram on 27th Aug 2019

Start September with zest…

Sept 13, 2011

“Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.”

Albert Camus

For me, September is equivalent to a new year. It’s the beginning of a school year and also the time when most of us return from our summer vacations, rejuvenated and ready to get down to business.

While our friends in the southern hemisphere look forward to the end of winter, we enjoy the best of Indian summer filled with beautiful crisp mornings, hot days and cool nights. With the start of fall, we expect change all around us as nature brings forth its wondrous bounty.

There is so much to look forward to in the coming months. Kids and adults alike will be busy and excited with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and the New Year. And as if that wasn’t enough, we also have Grandparents’ Day (1st Sunday after Labor Day), Children’s Day (October 2), and Boss’s Day (October 16) added to this mix of celebrations.

I look forward to my son having a good school year as this will mark his final year in Elementary School. And as always with your kind support, we at Green & Green will be busy preparing for the Holiday season. Look out for lots of exciting news, products and changes ahead!


Preparing for the Fall Season

As summer slowly comes to a close, this is the perfect time to start preparing for fall. Depending on where you live, the fall season may be too late to prepare if it gets cold quickly. Start these helpful tips now to save money and get a jump on the season.

1) Prepare Your Garden – whether you have a large garden or a small balcony of potted plants, this is a good time to start cleaning up. Weed all beds and pots, and clear them of any debris. Chop up the debris and add to your compost pile. Remove plants that will not return next year or those with diseases and pests. Clean and put away your garden tools as well. Most importantly, trim trees if branches hang too close to the house or electrical wires.

2) Prepare Your Home – Make sure gutters are secure and clean. In your home, install smoke or carbon monoxide detectors if you haven’t already done so. Have your furnace inspected and cleaned before cold weather hits. It will not only save you from a chilly night with a broken furnace, it will be less expensive to have it done before the height of furnace season. Make sure the cap on the top of your chimney is secure. You really don’t want critters climbing down and making your house their home. Order or cut your firewood.

3) Prepare Your Car – Is it time for a tune-up yet? If so, get a thorough one to make sure everything is running well. Change out the oil. In the cooler months, thinner oil is recommended. Get new wiper blades and an emergency kit for the car – dry food, water, blanket, jumper cables, flat tire kit, flares and a first aid kit. And if you live up where it gets super cold and snows or have a lot of ice, get your season tires ready!

4) Test out your heat – We know everyone is trying to save energy, but make sure you crank on your heat early in the fall season. This way, you know if you’ll have any problems once the real cold weather hits. If you use natural gas, make sure the pilot light works.

5) Prepare Personal Items – Start packing up or donating your summer clothes. Take your flannel sheets out and give them a good wash. Toss out those summer nail polish colors and get the new fall nail colors. If you have kids in the house, it may be a good idea to stock up on common cold medicines, tissues, Vaseline, and skin moisturizers. Take advantage of any fall sale clearances and stock up on what you’ll need next year.

Before you know it we will be getting ready for the year-end holidays. So enjoy what’s left of summer.