November Newsletter - Here to There Equals Awe

Posted by Mindy Tulsi-Ingram on 2nd Nov 2022

November Newsletter - Here to There Equals Awe

Plan Well

There is something to be said about planning and execution, from the smallest to the biggest task.

Proper planning and execution can be relieving and cathartic. Great planners, organizers, psychological coaches and strategists are super at helping all of us to get “there”, even though everyone’s “there” is a different place. It may be a better organization, being a better boss, parent, spouse, daughter, or friend; the list goes on.

James Clear, in his book “Automatic Habits” brilliantly shares how he got from his “here” to “there”. He shares practical strategies that will teach you how to form good habits, break bad habits, and achieve remarkable results.

He emphasizes that in addition to having a goal or a plan, you must have a system to enact the plan.

Here are three quotes from his book that I found interesting:

  1. Problem #1: Winners and losers have the same goals.
  2. Goals are good for setting direction, but systems are best for making progress.
  3. The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue to play the game.

As we welcome November, now is the time to get for your “here to there”.

Kickstart your winter. Whether its getting ready for skiing or snowshoeing, pottery, craft or a painting and yes, even those handmade DIY Holiday gifts.

Speaking of Holiday gifts, here’s how to ensure that you are on the right page for all of your holiday gifting.

  1. Choose or create high quality, customized gifts
  2. Select theme-driven gifts for greater pizazz
  3. Shop local to support your community, province or country
  4. Eco-friendly items protect the environment and are valued
  5. Well-designed, thoughtful gifts have greater impact

Everyone likes to win a prize. That’s a guarantee. Have you ever attended a company holiday party or gift exchange where the last gift sits on the table crying to be taken home and enjoyed? Well, don’t let that happen to your gift at the party.

Talk to us about how your gifts can shine, and to be the one gift that everyone wants to take home.

And quoting James Clear one last time, “When you can’t win by being better, you can win by being different.”

Let us help you stand out! Check out our Holiday Gift Catalogue.

Getting More Awe

Did you know that getting more awe can improve your life – and even make you a nicer person?

In her article in The Guardian, Eleanor Morgan explains why regular doses of awe may be vital to our well-being. Awe helps people get closer to their “authentic” selves and can lead us to becoming more generous and cooperative.

She states that “In our research, people report feeling awe twice a week - and they are not all flying to the Grand Canyon. More often awe is about other people”.

“Research suggests that regularly feeling wonder can have a range of benefits for our physical and mental well-being as well as increasing our compassion, generosity and critical thinking ability”.
She lists “10 ways to find more awe” which include:

  • Get into nature and notice
  • Seek new music
  • Try understanding a new concept
  • Go on an awe walk
  • Ask others what makes them feel awe
  • Document day-to-day beauty
  • When you feel awe, stay with it

At Green & Green, we are here to help you feel awe with your gift-giving and create awe for the recipient, and have an awesome Holiday season!

All my very best,