Summer Fun - August Newsletter

Posted by Mindy Tulsi-Ingram on 10th Aug 2020

Summer Fun - August Newsletter

Summer is the time of year where I like to challenge myself. I love surrounding myself with friends who encourage me to do things that make my heart beat faster, usually from exercise but occasionally from nerves! In order to keep up with my more practiced pals, I must improve my abilities, which always leaves me feeling challenged and fulfilled.

Encouraged by my more experienced friends, I managed to complete the last portion of the Hut to Hut Hike on the Sunshine Coast. The Fairview Bay Hut trail starts right off at Saltery Bay Ferry Terminal, a beautiful (but occasionally gruelling) 14 km hike. Although I have done other trails of similar length, this was harder somehow. Unfortunately, the “escalator’ was not operational.

I was the slowest hiker in the group, and at the rate I was moving, we were going to miss the ferry home! Later at dinner my husband, Steve said to me that I was barely moving at times. As far as I was concerned, I was always moving! With great difficulty and focus, I managed to finish the hike in time to catch the ferry home.

Over a lovely dinner with our friends Lisa and Rick we made plans for some tougher hikes in the weeks to come. I went to bed early that night, happy as a lark and had the best sleep of the summer.

Let the ocean, lakes, rivers and mountains inspire you to get outside and challenge yourself this summer! You will surprise yourself; I promise.

Happy Hour is the best time of the day - it’s right there in the name! Why not make your colleagues extra happy and host them for cocktails and snacks at your place? Hosting a happy hour event is a lot more simple than preparing a dinner party, so relax. Here are some great tips for ensuring your snack foods will delight all your guests:

Pickled Perfection
Pickles contain high levels of sodium and electrolytes, which is depleted through excessive drinking. Pairing a briney bite with your booze might help curb a nasty hangover.

Spice it up
Trick yourself into drinking water by adding some heat to your appetizer plate. Sprinkle some chilli pepper on your wings and get your thirst on.

Carbo Load
Serve a whole wheat cracker, high in vitamin B or a whole wheat pita or tortilla. The carbs will help you sober up and the vitamin B will help with tomorrow’s hangover!

Fatty Flavour
When you are drinking, your brain releases a neurochemical called galanin which increases our need for fatty food. This is why cheeses and nuts pair so well with wine and beer. Either of these options will always go over well.

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is spreading joy, energy, and appreciation to help staff thrive in unusual working conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work; perhaps permanently. While some staff continue to work remotely, others begin to make their way back to office spaces now governed by social distancing measures. It’s not always comfortable, but we all have to make an effort and continue to adapt as we navigate the “new normal.”.

Companies are grateful for the steep learning curve their staff have had to rapidly climb. Some fantastic employers, like the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, partnered with to custom design a care package to acknowledge their employees' adaptability and ability to overcome new challenges during this unusual time.

Read more about the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority project with SNACK HEROS here.

Happy Summer
All my very best,